Busy with concerts, Christmas parties, open houses, friends and family. I've loved every minute of it.
One of my favorite parts of this time of year is my daily trip to the mailbox for Christmas cards. I love getting mail on a regular basis, but the holiday season always brings a heightened anticipation for things in the mail.

Every year, I make a giant display of the cards received from our dear friends and family, some whom I only hear from once a year. Receiving and opening those Christmas cards is a such a pleasure. I love to look at the stamps, the heavy envel0pes, the lush paper. I really inspect every detail of the cards, which is why I was apt to notice how one of my cards was addressed.
Let me first say that I am aware that I am a "name freak." I am obsessed and very conscious of my name, other people names, etc. Obviously, it was something enough to inspire me to start this blog.
Upon opening one of this years cards, I was shocked and amazed to receive a note (1) addressed just to me and (2) addressed to Mrs. Andrew H. Owens (I guess, also me).
This was (1) shocking and (2) amazing to me for the following reasons:
a. It is a rarity for me to receive something such as a Christmas card, announcement, invitation as an individual. My husband and I have been a couple so long that even before we were married, people still invited/communicated with us as an individual.
b. I am still amazed to see anything that lists a woman's name as her husbands name with Mrs. tacked on the front. I truly believed that my husband's grandmother (whose husband has been deceased for 18) was the only woman still requesting to be addressed in that manner. I am certainly proud to be my husbands wife, but I do have a name.
c. The card sender is under the age of 30. I mean, really.
Well, the bottom line is that a beautiful card was inside that envelope from a very sweet friend and I'm looking forward to many more merry Christmas cards, however they come.
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