What could be cuter than this? Our very own precious snow bear on a snow day.
Nothing could make a mommy happier.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My new name? Mommy.
This is the "oh so sweet" reason that I've not been blogging...
my sweet little baby boy. I cannot believe that he is already 10 and a half weeks old!

As other parents are fully aware, these have been a jam-packed couple of months and the time goes so quickly! I have so much that I want to share---and I'm hoping that Gabriel's increasingly dependable nap schedule will allow me to do so.
In the meantime...
Here are some of the shots from his newborn photoshoot (when Gabriel was 9 days old) by the amazing Melanie Mauer.

Friday, September 24, 2010
He's Here!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dear Baby
Dear Baby Gabriel,
Your arrival is getting close! At 37 weeks pregnant, I am now more desperate than ever to meet you. Some days it feels like you are coming so quickly and then other times I'm afraid that you'll never come.
Although I have seen your sweet face in several ultrasounds---I get to hear your heartbeat at the doctor's office---I feel you move day and night---I am now ready to really meet you.
Your room is ready. Our bags are packed. We're set. I hope that you are too.
Thank you for being such a good baby this far. Your dad and I talk all the time about how we hope this behavior continues. You seem to have such a good disposition, and besides being uncooperative during medical exams and squirmy when you want mommy to eat, you are such a compliant and easy baby. In fact, up until the last six weeks or so, I felt like this whole process was incredibly easy. Thank you for that.
But now, I am getting tired, and some days I am very tired.
So your dad and I ask that you please not take your time in getting here. We are so eager for your arrival. We pray for you and are so excited, although to be honest a little nervous, to see you.
Your arrival is getting close! At 37 weeks pregnant, I am now more desperate than ever to meet you. Some days it feels like you are coming so quickly and then other times I'm afraid that you'll never come.
Although I have seen your sweet face in several ultrasounds---I get to hear your heartbeat at the doctor's office---I feel you move day and night---I am now ready to really meet you.
Your room is ready. Our bags are packed. We're set. I hope that you are too.
Thank you for being such a good baby this far. Your dad and I talk all the time about how we hope this behavior continues. You seem to have such a good disposition, and besides being uncooperative during medical exams and squirmy when you want mommy to eat, you are such a compliant and easy baby. In fact, up until the last six weeks or so, I felt like this whole process was incredibly easy. Thank you for that.
But now, I am getting tired, and some days I am very tired.
So your dad and I ask that you please not take your time in getting here. We are so eager for your arrival. We pray for you and are so excited, although to be honest a little nervous, to see you.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We're Getting Close
34 weeks and counting---or should I say 6 weeks (or less) and counting down?

Here are a few nursery shots to share. I have to say that I am totally in love with all of the sweet Pottery Barn kids Peter Rabbit bedding.

I'll be sure to add in a few soon with our lovely, white, swiss dot Pottery Barn glider and ottoman.

Here are a few nursery shots to share. I have to say that I am totally in love with all of the sweet Pottery Barn kids Peter Rabbit bedding.

I'll be sure to add in a few soon with our lovely, white, swiss dot Pottery Barn glider and ottoman.
Monday, August 9, 2010
The ring
Drew and I went on a lovely little get-away (although it ended abruptly with a trip to the ER---more later) last week to Berea, KY. We decided to celebrate our third anniversary at the newly restored, historic Boone Tavern Hotel. We had been to the restaurant several times before, but had always wanted to stay in the hotel. For those of you that have not been, you should definitely add it to your wish list of places to visit.
As you know, I am now 33 weeks pregnant and the particularly intense heat of last week was reeking havoc on my body. My hands and feet decided that they needed to swell, and so I made the decision to remove my wedding and engagement rings to avoid a potentially terrible struggle to remove them later in the day.
For those of you that are familiar with Boone Tavern, you are no doubt aware of the conservative nature of the students who work there. This was particularly evident when we went to check into our hotel room. We approached the front desk and the attendant asked what name the reservation would be under. "Greene-Owens."
She looked at me with a lot of confusion. I said my name again. Maybe I was speaking softly---I was a complete puddle from the heat.
She looked at me---my naked left hand---my obvious baby bump. She was confused.
Do I need to give you my confirmation number?, I asked.
The hand---the bump---the weird name?
No. No. I have you here.
Another look at the bump.
Good. It's our anniversary.
Again, a look at the naked left hand. She looked skeptical.
She handed us our key and I tried to forget about how awkward our encounter had been. I'm sorry that I had removed my ring. I didn't want it to get stuck. I have known plenty of pregnant women that can't even wear their rings, so I felt lucky that I was even able to wear them this long.
The moral of the story is that I am now wearing a larger right hand ring on my left wedding finger. I had started to feel very naked without my wedding bands (as a preventative measure, they have not returned to my finger). I just hope that it pacifies the inquisitive---if not, I have plenty of beautiful wedding pictures to prove it.
PS. We had a lovely time after we checked in. We were sad to leave! We were even more sad to leave and head to UK Hospital for potential pre-term labor. After a few vials of blood, a thorough exam and several hours of monitoring, mother and baby (still in utero) were both doing well enough to return home (together). I did suffer through another couple days of severe ligament pain (the apparent culprit of the stabbing abdominal and back pain), but am pleased that it has really eased up. Another exciting reason to countdown the days until Baby G-O arrives!
As you know, I am now 33 weeks pregnant and the particularly intense heat of last week was reeking havoc on my body. My hands and feet decided that they needed to swell, and so I made the decision to remove my wedding and engagement rings to avoid a potentially terrible struggle to remove them later in the day.
For those of you that are familiar with Boone Tavern, you are no doubt aware of the conservative nature of the students who work there. This was particularly evident when we went to check into our hotel room. We approached the front desk and the attendant asked what name the reservation would be under. "Greene-Owens."
She looked at me with a lot of confusion. I said my name again. Maybe I was speaking softly---I was a complete puddle from the heat.
She looked at me---my naked left hand---my obvious baby bump. She was confused.
Do I need to give you my confirmation number?, I asked.
The hand---the bump---the weird name?
No. No. I have you here.
Another look at the bump.
Good. It's our anniversary.
Again, a look at the naked left hand. She looked skeptical.
She handed us our key and I tried to forget about how awkward our encounter had been. I'm sorry that I had removed my ring. I didn't want it to get stuck. I have known plenty of pregnant women that can't even wear their rings, so I felt lucky that I was even able to wear them this long.
The moral of the story is that I am now wearing a larger right hand ring on my left wedding finger. I had started to feel very naked without my wedding bands (as a preventative measure, they have not returned to my finger). I just hope that it pacifies the inquisitive---if not, I have plenty of beautiful wedding pictures to prove it.
PS. We had a lovely time after we checked in. We were sad to leave! We were even more sad to leave and head to UK Hospital for potential pre-term labor. After a few vials of blood, a thorough exam and several hours of monitoring, mother and baby (still in utero) were both doing well enough to return home (together). I did suffer through another couple days of severe ligament pain (the apparent culprit of the stabbing abdominal and back pain), but am pleased that it has really eased up. Another exciting reason to countdown the days until Baby G-O arrives!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
You know that you have found your true love when...
You know that you have found the love of your life when...
- He truly understands the power of a good pair of boots
- He shops for the nursery without you on the FAO Schwartz website because he only wants "real Peter Rabbits"
- He brings you lunch, even though it's the third time you've forgotten it on the counter that week
- He doesn't mind setting his alarm too to make sure that you are up for work
- He listens to you whine about how much you miss "real clothes" and he never says that it is stupid or frivolous
- He will watch a movie that only you like because he knows that other movies tend to make you sad
- He defends your name decision left and right
- He warms your clothes in the dryer every morning
- He doesn't mind painting your toenails, since it gets more difficult to do it yourself every day
- He's SO into making sure that the nursery is just right
- He inundates you with calls, texts and emails every day telling you just how special you are to him
- You can't remember life without him
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Time Flies
Time absolutely flies when you are having fun.
With my husband finally finished with his architecture master's degree, trying to eek out some much need relaxation time this summer, getting the house prepped for baby (including a full paint job of our loft), it is hard for me to believe that it is already mid-July. It's mid-July and I haven't touched this blog since late May because I have been so busy having fun.
It's funny that I haven't been blogging because I thought that this blog would be a great way to help me document my pregnancy, but it was one of those projects that I just something that I kept putting off. Here I am now----29.5 weeks (7.5 months)---and I haven't done a thing. I guess that is what happens when you are just living life.
Well, since inquring minds want to know... Here are the answers to all of the questions that my sweet readers have been sending my way.
Yes, things are going incredibly well with this pregnancy. It is so wonderful when your doctor says things like "model patient" and "perfectly fine." Hearing those things never gets old.
Yes, I am trying to tolerate the heat of this summer. No, it has not been fun.
Yes, I do look pregnant now. I am definitely "showing," eventhough I've only had a 5 pound weight gain. I really promise to post some pictures.
Yes, Drew and I are prepping the house. No, we are not moving for now (too much stress). We bought a sweet IKEA crib. It is now set-up, complete with Peter Rabbit bedding. (Adorable!) We just finished painting the nursery last night a lovely shade of pale green. I love getting emails from Drew during the day with sweet Peter Rabbit things in them. (Of course, our baby needs an FAO Schwartz original Peter Rabbit stuffed animal.)

Yes, I've had a lot of questions about my name. (How do I feel that the baby will not have my name? Did Drew make you use his last name?) Funny. I don't see it that way at all.
And yes, we are incredibly, over-the-moon, over-the-top, beyond words---happy.
Hope that catches you up to speed!
More soon,
With my husband finally finished with his architecture master's degree, trying to eek out some much need relaxation time this summer, getting the house prepped for baby (including a full paint job of our loft), it is hard for me to believe that it is already mid-July. It's mid-July and I haven't touched this blog since late May because I have been so busy having fun.
It's funny that I haven't been blogging because I thought that this blog would be a great way to help me document my pregnancy, but it was one of those projects that I just something that I kept putting off. Here I am now----29.5 weeks (7.5 months)---and I haven't done a thing. I guess that is what happens when you are just living life.
Well, since inquring minds want to know... Here are the answers to all of the questions that my sweet readers have been sending my way.
Yes, things are going incredibly well with this pregnancy. It is so wonderful when your doctor says things like "model patient" and "perfectly fine." Hearing those things never gets old.
Yes, I am trying to tolerate the heat of this summer. No, it has not been fun.
Yes, I do look pregnant now. I am definitely "showing," eventhough I've only had a 5 pound weight gain. I really promise to post some pictures.
Yes, Drew and I are prepping the house. No, we are not moving for now (too much stress). We bought a sweet IKEA crib. It is now set-up, complete with Peter Rabbit bedding. (Adorable!) We just finished painting the nursery last night a lovely shade of pale green. I love getting emails from Drew during the day with sweet Peter Rabbit things in them. (Of course, our baby needs an FAO Schwartz original Peter Rabbit stuffed animal.)

Yes, I've had a lot of questions about my name. (How do I feel that the baby will not have my name? Did Drew make you use his last name?) Funny. I don't see it that way at all.
And yes, we are incredibly, over-the-moon, over-the-top, beyond words---happy.
Hope that catches you up to speed!
More soon,
Friday, May 21, 2010
The first name.
The middle name.
The last name.
As soon as we found out that we were having a boy, it was time to address those issues. I didn't want to put it off any longer. I was tired of people asking without having a definitive answer.
Actually once we learned that we were having a boy, it was easier to deal with the naming issue, especially the last name. I suddenly felt a strong urge to use Owens. I'm not exactly sure why (something that I do plan to explore), but it felt right to give him his father's name.
What about my name? That's going to be in there too. A second middle name. Just no hyphen.
Hyphenate---That was my decision (I'd do it again in a heartbeat), but I wasn't willing to impose it on someone else. I wasn't willing to invite upon my son the questions, the frustration that your name never fits in the alloted number of last name slots, teasing etc. When he is older, when he is in a relationship or getting married, he can choose for himself. We can always toss in a hyphen if he chooses.
So, we decided this week while on a fantastic trip to Blackberry Farm (our special place) that we would name our son
We are thrilled!
The middle name.
The last name.
As soon as we found out that we were having a boy, it was time to address those issues. I didn't want to put it off any longer. I was tired of people asking without having a definitive answer.
Actually once we learned that we were having a boy, it was easier to deal with the naming issue, especially the last name. I suddenly felt a strong urge to use Owens. I'm not exactly sure why (something that I do plan to explore), but it felt right to give him his father's name.
What about my name? That's going to be in there too. A second middle name. Just no hyphen.
Hyphenate---That was my decision (I'd do it again in a heartbeat), but I wasn't willing to impose it on someone else. I wasn't willing to invite upon my son the questions, the frustration that your name never fits in the alloted number of last name slots, teasing etc. When he is older, when he is in a relationship or getting married, he can choose for himself. We can always toss in a hyphen if he chooses.
So, we decided this week while on a fantastic trip to Blackberry Farm (our special place) that we would name our son
Gabriel Harris Greene Owens
Gabriel-a family name from my side going back many generations
Harris-my husband's middle name, his paternal grandmother's maiden name
We are thrilled!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pregnancy Stats
There's been so much more to the last five months, but here are some quick stats.
Total Weight Gain: zero---(I know I'm lucky thus far, just at the 1/2 way point)
Cravings: tomatoes, lemonade
Average Daily Runs to the Bathroom: 10+
Times when baby is most active: at night
Where baby spends most time during the day: pushing on my left side
Baby's weight: 9 oz
Katherine''s favorite thing about pregnancy: new mini-wardrobe! & sweet baby things (like Pottery Barn Peter Rabbit bedding)
Andrew's favorite thing about pregnancy: seeing the first ultrasound & finding out the sex (BOY!)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Big Week Ahead
Less than one week to go to find out if Baby G-O is a boy or a girl! We cannot wait. I actually cannot believe that I've waited this long. I have not visited a "private ultrasound location" where they could have answered this question four weeks ago. Even I am impressed with my patience.
I'm ready to know now. I am amazed that some people choose to wait until the birth. I think it will make this whole internal process, much more tangible. We will know if we are having a son or a daughter. (Saying that is pretty surreal to me...)
Names have been tossed around for weeks now, but it actually feels like it is time to be serious. Some of decisions regarding name selection will stem from the decision of Baby G-O or Baby O.
Big decisions. Big week ahead. Big milestones. Big excitement.
I'll keep you posted.
I'm ready to know now. I am amazed that some people choose to wait until the birth. I think it will make this whole internal process, much more tangible. We will know if we are having a son or a daughter. (Saying that is pretty surreal to me...)
Names have been tossed around for weeks now, but it actually feels like it is time to be serious. Some of decisions regarding name selection will stem from the decision of Baby G-O or Baby O.
Big decisions. Big week ahead. Big milestones. Big excitement.
I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Seven Things----Long Overdue!
I was tagged by the l lovely "ForeverFatimah" . You list 7 things about yourself and tag 7 other bloggers. I truly meant to do this back in February, but pregnancy first trimester woes kept me far from the blog. Here goes...
1. I can't get enough fashion. I absolutely adore clothes and shoes---anything with a vintage flair to it. My style icon is Jackie O. You know I model the sunglasses.
3. I am a wedding addict. Whether it was my own or one in a book or magazine, I'm obsessed! I read all of the wedding blogs daily. I've been married almost three years now and I still buy each issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.
4. One of my favorite places on earth is the Joseph Beth children's book section. I often wonder if I missed my calling to me a librarian.
5. My favorite guilty pleasure is Graeter's black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream. Actually ice cream in general...
6. I'm pretty afraid of the dark. It took me a long time to learn to sleep with the lights off (i.e. my husband needs total darkness to sleep), but when he's out of town, I still sleep with the lamp on.
7. My favorite movie is "Gone with the Wind." I have a real southern belle fantasy with it---at least in my head.
I am going to tag some of my favorite blogs: Melanie Mauer, LoriTimesFive, SkinnyEmmie, TheDreamLife, DonnaIson'sBourbonistaBlog, WiredforWords & MayDecember.
Anyone else feel free to share your "Seven Things!" I would love to read them.

2. I have never been on an airplane. It is a huge dream of mine to fly anywhere. My husband (a huge traveler) has even joked about flying me from here to Cincinnati just to let me have that experience. Some day...
3. I am a wedding addict. Whether it was my own or one in a book or magazine, I'm obsessed! I read all of the wedding blogs daily. I've been married almost three years now and I still buy each issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.
4. One of my favorite places on earth is the Joseph Beth children's book section. I often wonder if I missed my calling to me a librarian.

6. I'm pretty afraid of the dark. It took me a long time to learn to sleep with the lights off (i.e. my husband needs total darkness to sleep), but when he's out of town, I still sleep with the lamp on.

I am going to tag some of my favorite blogs: Melanie Mauer, LoriTimesFive, SkinnyEmmie, TheDreamLife, DonnaIson'sBourbonistaBlog, WiredforWords & MayDecember.
Anyone else feel free to share your "Seven Things!" I would love to read them.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Baby G-O or Baby O?
At 18 weeks pregnant and counting, my husband and I are now realizing how fast this process can go! It seems like we were just telling out family and friends---and it has now been six weeks! When I was so sick in the beginning, it seemed that the pregnancy would drag on forever. Now, feeling fabulous, the weeks are flying by. Feeling well also means that we are ready to plan and discuss all of the aspects of this exciting arrival.
Some things, however, could not come quickly enough. We cannot wait to find out the baby's sex (first week of May!)---we can't wait to be able to definitively discuss names. But, of course, being a hyphenate, we find ourselves with another big naming decision. Baby O or Baby G-O?
Is a hyphenate my decision to impose on another?
We'll just have to see...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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