Friday, May 21, 2010


The first name.

The middle name.

The last name.

As soon as we found out that we were having a boy, it was time to address those issues. I didn't want to put it off any longer. I was tired of people asking without having a definitive answer.

Actually once we learned that we were having a boy, it was easier to deal with the naming issue, especially the last name. I suddenly felt a strong urge to use Owens. I'm not exactly sure why (something that I do plan to explore), but it felt right to give him his father's name.

What about my name? That's going to be in there too. A second middle name. Just no hyphen.

Hyphenate---That was my decision (I'd do it again in a heartbeat), but I wasn't willing to impose it on someone else. I wasn't willing to invite upon my son the questions, the frustration that your name never fits in the alloted number of last name slots, teasing etc. When he is older, when he is in a relationship or getting married, he can choose for himself. We can always toss in a hyphen if he chooses.

So, we decided this week while on a fantastic trip to Blackberry Farm (our special place) that we would name our son

Gabriel Harris Greene Owens

Gabriel-a family name from my side going back many generations
Harris-my husband's middle name, his paternal grandmother's maiden name

We are thrilled!


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