Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seven Things----Long Overdue!

I was tagged by the l lovely "ForeverFatimah" . You list 7 things about yourself and tag 7 other bloggers. I truly meant to do this back in February, but pregnancy first trimester woes kept me far from the blog. Here goes...

1. I can't get enough fashion. I absolutely adore clothes and shoes---anything with a vintage flair to it. My style icon is Jackie O. You know I model the sunglasses.

2. I have never been on an airplane. It is a huge dream of mine to fly anywhere. My husband (a huge traveler) has even joked about flying me from here to Cincinnati just to let me have that experience. Some day...

3. I am a wedding addict. Whether it was my own or one in a book or magazine, I'm obsessed! I read all of the wedding blogs daily. I've been married almost three years now and I still buy each issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.

4. One of my favorite places on earth is the Joseph Beth children's book section. I often wonder if I missed my calling to me a librarian.

5. My favorite guilty pleasure is Graeter's black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream. Actually ice cream in general...

6. I'm pretty afraid of the dark. It took me a long time to learn to sleep with the lights off (i.e. my husband needs total darkness to sleep), but when he's out of town, I still sleep with the lamp on.

7. My favorite movie is "Gone with the Wind." I have a real southern belle fantasy with it---at least in my head.

I am going to tag some of my favorite blogs: Melanie Mauer, LoriTimesFive, SkinnyEmmie, TheDreamLife, DonnaIson'sBourbonistaBlog, WiredforWords & MayDecember.

Anyone else feel free to share your "Seven Things!" I would love to read them.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Baby G-O or Baby O?

At 18 weeks pregnant and counting, my husband and I are now realizing how fast this process can go! It seems like we were just telling out family and friends---and it has now been six weeks! When I was so sick in the beginning, it seemed that the pregnancy would drag on forever. Now, feeling fabulous, the weeks are flying by. Feeling well also means that we are ready to plan and discuss all of the aspects of this exciting arrival.

Some things, however, could not come quickly enough. We cannot wait to find out the baby's sex (first week of May!)---we can't wait to be able to definitively discuss names. But, of course, being a hyphenate, we find ourselves with another big naming decision. Baby O or Baby G-O?

Is a hyphenate my decision to impose on another?

We'll just have to see...